To disrupt migrant smuggling it is necessary to reinforce the capacity of law enforcement and judicial authorities totarget the online and DaaS (Digital as a Service) activities of criminal groups and their use of modern technologiesfor communication and logistic purposes. Migrant smuggling generates large amounts of criminal profits, which is themain objective of such activities. To counter these networks by preventing those profits from being used to reinforceother poly-criminal activities, financial investigation to trace criminal proceeds, seize and recover criminal assets is akey. Finally, local and national initiatives need to be connected with the European legal and operative framework and specialized multi-agency teams should be established.
OSINT RADAR established a common operational partnership between judiciary agencies and investigative LEAs in Italy, Greece, Romania, Albania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Moldova and Germany to set-up OSINT-centers covering Western Balkans and the Eastern EU borders, to disrupt illegal activities on migrant smuggling. The coordinated OSINT-centers, will address the following key topics for investigations on migrant smuggling:
(1) social media monitoring;
(2) reinforce the joint capacity of law enforcement and judicial authorities to target DaaS services, linked to the Internet Referral Unit of Europol.
(3) Specialised training will be provided to all LEAs and Judiciary agencies involved in the project on the use of investigative OSINT and ‘Trojan Horses’; (4) Adapt the existing national procedures for preventing and investigating digital smuggling to the EU legal framework.
This project is funded by the European Union.
The content of this document represents the views of the author(s) only and is solely his/her responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
In the OSINT RADAR project the IPoS, together with the partners, will identify the technological needs of the common operational partnerships (COP) to counter cyber smuggling and related counter-organised crime operations. In order to achieve that, the consortium will conduct a desktop analysis and implement Community of Practices (CoPs) for Scenario Awareness and Identification of DaaS organization of mutli-agencies CoPs to analyze the modus operandi of different criminal groups specialized in digital smuggling in the Western Balkan routes an at the Eastern EU borders – how they use technologies and operate. On this basis the consortium will outline recommendations for the modular integration of the tech platform to counter digital smuggling, develop a list of relevant technologies for countering Digital Smuggling and related polychrimes and design a transitional national-independent and secure IT architecture for hosting a CoP platform.
Furthermore the OSINT-RADAR will install and maintenance an integrated IT-platform in all project partner countries and recruit trainers from relevant LEA units and prosecutor offices as well as intelligence analysts and other public and private experts and court and forensic experts for National Interagency Teams (NITs). All Interagency Teams (NITs) will be equipped with access to the platform via VPN connections. Each of the CoP-centres will be supported by specialized Nation Interagency Teams (NITs). Specific methodologies will be defined in order to conduct pilots with which the NITs will be trained (b-learning with modules for adult learning).
The complimentary modules will include:
1. An introduction to monitoring & investigative technologies for countering Digital Smuggling and related offences;
2. Practical skills training in accessing closed- and encrypted platforms;
3. Investigating and monitoring crypto-currency movement;
4. Detection, classification, and labelling techniques in OSINT investigations
5. Legal and ethical frameworks forcounter-DaaS operations; and 6. Cross-border and public-private cooperation with a focus on intelligence exchange and data gained through ‘Trojan Horses’.
The training will aim to equip relevant law enforcement and prosecutors’ practitioners from across the Partner countries with the necessary skills to use innovative forensic technologies in the fid while respecting and applying relevant EU-legislation. Each pilot will last 12 weeks in each pilot location.
OSINT RADAR will produce a Handbook for Investigators and Analysts on Digital Smuggling. This handbook will include installation steps, a user manual for operating the tool, and programmers documentation allowing navigation in the source codes and an innovative strategy to build interagency team through liaison experts, so that data can be accessed in a secure way and public and private cooperation activities are integrated within a legal framework
Within the OSINT-RADAR project a cooperation with CEPOL will be established.
The OSINT-RADAR will conduct in-depth analysis on Digital Smuggling in the project partner countries, deploying nine liaison officers. Sensitiv and classified reports in form of investigative files and research papers will be produced.
To be always updated about IPoS.
Institute of Police and Security Research – IPoS
Doventorscontrescarpe 172 C
28195 Bremen