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FAIRNESS aims at promoting a more balanced harmonisation of the Member States’ legal practices in relation to the implementation of several EU Directives when suspected or accused persons are involved in terrorrelated crimes or radicalisation.
In so doing, FAIRNESS explores the coherence between the ‘spirit’ and previsions of the ‘Stockholm’s Roadmap’ contrasted with investigative and preventive practices involving suspects or accused persons for crimes related to terrorism in the pre-trial stage.
Legal Notice: The content of this website represents the views of the authors and is their sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
In the FAIRNESS project the IPoS conducts together with the partners quantitative and qualitative empirical research on different legal cases and stakeholder groups. In organized Focus Groups, practitioner-organizations (ministerial staff, judges and courts, prosecutors and law enforcement agencies) will be confronted with the implementation of the EU Directives and Framework Decisions in order to gain more insight and information on the challenges and obstacles arising during the implementation process. The IPoS will also support the partners in the legal research to further explore the legal interrelations of the Stockholm Programme. The IPoS will implement the Community of Practice for and in Germany in order to explore key topics of the implementation of the different Directives and Framework Decisions. Those CoPs are co-creative laboratories where multi-agencies and multi-disciplinary experts meet to generate creative projects, solutions and proposals for specific topics. IPoS will support the delivery and dissemination of the created toolkit at MS and EU level with an ambitious multi-channel approach to affectively address different target groups of the project.
The FAIRNESS project aims to
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Institute of Police and Security Research – IPoS
Doventorscontrescarpe 172 C
28195 Bremen