R4JUST – Radicalisation Prevention

What is the project about?

Radicalisation Prevention Competence Development Programme for Justice Professionals (R4JUST)

The R4JUST “Radicalisation Prevention Competences’ Development Programme for Justice Professionals” project aims to prevent and reduce the risk of radicalisation and violent extremism inside prisons by exploring a multi-sectoral approach, intending to enhance the competences of prison staff (RRAP Toolset – Multi-level radicalisation approach towards governors, frontline staff and technical staff), probation staff (e.g., probation officers/supervisors, psychologists), as well as judges and prosecutors while fostering criminal and judicial multi-sectoral cooperation and networking on countering and preventing radicalisation.

This Project is funded by the European Union
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In the R4JUST project the IPoS provides together with the partners a descriptive analytical study of the theoretical and practical developments in the area of radicalisation prevention and deradicalisation/disengagement strategies within the criminal justice field. IPoS also supports the consortium to scale-up the range of countries using the R2PRIS RRAP Toolset by establishing a series of training programmes for all staff within a prison to respond appropriately to potentially vulnerable individuals at risk of radicalisation. Within this task the IPoS will co-create a skills-enhancement training programme and a radicalisation risks and needs assessment questionnaire for probation staff as well as a guiding training programme for judges and prosecutors plus a train the trainers in each country.

The IPoS develops within the R4JUST project a blended learning training course based and focused on the success factors of Exit Programmes and will pilot the course supported by the partners in prison, probation and sentencing context in order to fine-tune the course on a feedback collection.

Within the multi-level and cross-sector pollination actions the IPoS conducts two awareness-raising seminars in Germany and supports the project consortium in hosting national roundtables and running a transnational conference with relevant stakeholders from different EU countries.

  1. To implement a multi-sectoral approach to prevent radicalisation and violent extremism inside prisons and to reduce their risk
  2. 2. To enhance the competences of prison staff through the use of the RRAP Toolset (Multi-level radicalisation approach), including prison governors, frontline and technical staff, as well as probation staff (probation officers/supervisors, psychologists, etc), judges and prosecutors
  3. 3. To foster criminal and judicial multi-sectoral cooperation and networking in the field of radicalisation prevention and countering
  • Prison staff (790)
  • Probation staff (270)
  • Judicial Staff (115 judges; 115 prosecutors)
  1. Partners/trainers/trainees’ development of a higher sense of role and knowledge in the field of radicalisation
  2. Improved capacity of prison and probation professionals to effectively recognise inmates at risk of radicalisation and act upon such identification
  3. Judges/prosecutors skill-enhancement on using risk and needs assessment information during sentencing and decision-making
  4. Increased awareness and knowledge regarding the importance of an integrated, multi-sectoral approach to the prevention of radicalisation
  • The University of Beira Interior (UBI) (Portugal) – Coordinator;
  • IPS_Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal);
  • Directorate-General for Reinsertion and Prison Services (Portugal);
  • Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung – hfov (Germany);
  • Bremen Ministry of Justice and Constitution (Germany);
  • Agenfor (Italy);
  • Polish Platform for Homeland Security (PPHS) (Poland);
  • West University of Timisoara (Romania)
  • Bucharest Jilava Penitentiary (Romania)
  • ICPA International Corrections & Prisons Association (Netherlands)

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