CrimART – Crime against Cultural Goods

What is the project about?

CrimART aims to strengthen the operational activities of law enforcement agencies and customs in the field of mobile nature of organized crime groups against the property and trafficking of cultural goods and Cites by developing competences and strengthening cooperation. The project will strengthen the cooperation of international law enforcement agencies that are authorized to combat the above-mentioned crime by providing these authorities with the skills and operational tools needed to protect cultural heritage. The goal will be achieved by analyzing the situation and developing appropriate recommendations, which will then be disseminated throughout the EU. The interdisciplinary approach of the CrimART project will strengthen cross-border international cooperation against organized crime against property, illicit trafficking in cultural goods and will also help to better understand the issues discussed. While each consortium has different challenges at national level, we recognize that heritage crimes cross national borders. We can only fight this type of crime through international cooperation, through the exchange of knowledge and experience, and through a common set of procedures and regulations. countries.

This project is funded by the European Union
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In the CrimART project the IPoS, together with the partners, identifies good practices in data collection as well as most effective tools and monitors and analyzes the exchange of information between various law enforcement agencies in order to detect actions related to organized crime against property and illicit trafficking in cultural goods and Cites.The consortium will conduct several international trainings of law enforcement officers in the handling of these items. The IPoS contributes in developing the capacity of law enforcement officers in combating organized crime against property and illegal trafficking in cultural goods and Cites by improving detection/data analysis methods and techniques. The consortium will conceptualize training materials and outreach material as well as develop methodological guidelines and recommendations for adapting the training program to appropriate target groups.

  1. Development of the final report containing the best methods in the fight against organized crime against property and illegal trade in cultural goods and Cites
  2. Development of an ad hoc training course for the Police, customs and other law enforcement officers
  3. Increase the capacity of law enforcement agencies to better implement and analyze EU legislation
    with data enabling the identification of major trends, threats and risks of property crime
  4. Exchange of best practices and experiences between involved units
  5. Increasing the effectiveness of cooperation at the national and international level between the Polish Police, the customs service and other countries’ law enforcement units specialized in combating crime against DK
  6. Increasing the skills of officers in combating crime against cultural heritage (DK)
  7. Dissemination of project results at the level of Member States and EU bodies

The project will involve 6 partners from 5 countries: Poland, Germany, Cyprus, the Czech Republic and Moldova. The project beneficiaries will be Police and Customs officers who are directly participants in the project. They will serve as multipliers for the target professional community in the 5 directly involved countries and all ISF and associated countries. In addition, long-term beneficiaries will be residents of the countries participating in the project, art collectors, traders, gallery owners, museologists, and scientific circles. The main indirect beneficiaries will be: other implementing bodies and control bodies at regional / national / EU level; dealing with cultural goods.

  1. Outcome: CrimArt results in enhanced cooperation for the benefit of law enforcement agencies of the Member States, EU bodies.
  2. Outputs: CrimART intends to achieve its goal by focusing on several key activities: defining common techniques and methods of combating crime against property, providing an ad hoc training program for the police and other law enforcement agencies, developing a Similar modus operandi, organizational culture, geopolitical proximity and, above all, a similar level.
  • Komendy wojewódzkiej policji w krakowie (poland) – coordinator;
  • Hochschule für öffentliche Werwaltung – hfov/ipos (germany);
  • Cyprus police (cyprus);
  • Inspectoratul general al politiei (moldau);

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