ISF- Terrorism Financing Western Balkans

What is the project about?

Impacts of Developments regarding Radicalisation and Terrorism in the Western Balkan Region on the European Union

During the period October 2016 to September 2017, IPoS has been implementing a project funded by the ISF – decentrally administered by the German Federal Criminal Police (BKA) – on terrorism financing in the Western Balkan countries. The project focused on spill-over effects of current developments especially in Albania and Kosovo with a views to impacts on the European Union. In the course of this project, cases have been analysed, experts have been interviewed, policies have been reviewed, and scenarios developed. The project aimed at identifying interconnections between organised crime, radicalisation and terrorism.

In the course of EU enlargement towards the Western Balkans, criminal networks are increasingly operating transnational. Hence, money laundering is to be considered a mechanism used by organized crime groups and terrorist groupings.

The complete final project report has been published as a book.

As summary of conclusions has been published as a journal article.

Implementation: WP1 (legal analysis); WP2 (field research Albania and Kosovo); WP3 (Symposium in Tirana); WP 4 (developing counter measures)

Status: finalised

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