VAST: Victims Rights Protection

What is the project about?

Within the framework of the European Union Justice Programme, IPoS and its two partners – European Public Law Organisation (Greece) and the University of Sassari (Italy) – are developing a mechanism to enhance the enforcement of the rights of victims of domestic violence at a European level. By analysing the legal systems of the EU Member States and certain associated countries as to compliance with common provisions laid down in Directives at Union level, the project will provide a full overview of the legal support available. In the course of present project, a multilingual website is elaborated to make visible the public and private institutions available in these countries for the provision of support to victims. The concept of psycho-social process accompaniment – as foreseen in Directive 2012/29/EU of 25 October 2012 on minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime – is having a prominent role in present topical sphere. In conclusion, the project envisages the distribution of information of this topic to individuals and organisations engaged in supporting victims.Victims’ rights protection and support instruments at European level are a comparably new approach towards a closer Union at level of the internal market and the aim to create a comprehensive area of freedom, security and justice. The Member States have not fully transferred the respective legislative (not to speak of the executive) competence to the EU institutions.


This project is funded by the European Union
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  • Psychosocial Accompaniment Training Tool
  • European Public Law Organisation EPLO, Greece
  • University of Sassari (UNISS), Italy

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