Jürgen Osmers

Expert in crime-prevention, state-protection and counterterrorism as well as fighting organised crime.

As former Head of the Bremen State Criminal-Office and the Bremen-Police Criminal-Investigation-Department, Jürgen has a wide range of experience in the areas of crime-prevention, organised crime, state-protection and counterterrorism as well as operative organisation and special police forces.

Jürgen is working on the chapter Crime situation and development in the “PSB – Report on crime and crime control” at the IPOS.

Curriculum Vitae

  • 2023-2024

    Continuous scientific collaboration and counselling for the IPoS Bremen

    Volunteering for the victim-support-organisation WEISSER RING Landesverband Bremen as PR-representative 

  • 1979-2022

    Duty on various leading- and specialist-functions in the Bremen Police

    last position: Head of the Bremen State Criminal-Office/Landeskriminalamt (LKA) and the Bremen-Police Criminal-Investigation-Department  

    special fields of experience: crime-prevention, organized crime, state-protection/counterterrorism, operative organisation, special police forces/SWAT  

  • 2007-2022

    Member in several boards/commissions for national and international co-operation of police-agencies as a delegate of the Bremen State Landeskriminalamt (LKA) 

  • 2019

    Lecturer in criminal law at the University of Public Administration Bremen (HfÖV)
    (secondary appointment) 

  • 2011

    Graduate of the National-Academy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, Quantico/Virginia/USA)

  • 2003-2005

    Lecturer in criminalology at the University of Public Administration Bremen (HfÖV)
    (secondary appointment) 

  • 2003

    Graduate of the German Police Leaders Academy (PFA) in Münster-Hiltrup  
    (later: German University of Police –DHPol-) 

  • 1996

    Graduate of the University of Public Administration Bremen

    (HfÖV-Bremen, diploma degree: public administration/police)